What is a Prelude Conservatory Instructor?

  • A Prelude Conservatory Instructor will always value the student over the art form. We offer high-quality training and dance technique. We also recognize that the student as an individual is more important than any art form.

  • We provide a classical dance education focused on excellence, artistry, and being well-rounded.

  • Dance should be fun! We value creating a class environment where students can enjoy refining their artistry.

  • We will never ask a student to change their body type or refer to a student’s body or appearance in a negative way. Each body is beautiful and has something to contribute to the art of dance. Suggestions to strengthen or gain flexibility of specific muscle groups or correct improper alignment are offered in the spirit of helping students safely achieve specific dance steps.

  • A Prelude teacher is kind but firm. When a student does something incorrectly instructors provide healthy, constructive critique, and assist in finding a solution.